People in serious relationships tend to make grand gestures. They make introductions to their family members, take each other to work events, and even move in together.
A common next step for significant others is to adopt a pet. It’s not as huge of a life changer as having a child, but it shows a certain level of commitment – to one another, and to the pet. It’s a beautiful symbol of love, but this type of decision doesn’t just affect the human relationship.
Before you adopt a pet with someone (even if you love them), it’s important to take time to consider all the possibilities.
A Big Leap
Caring for a pet together can be an incredibly beautiful opportunity to see one another in the best possible way. To see your significant other become even more nurturing, responsible, and dedicated is a gift. If you adopt a pet with someone like this, that’s one lucky pet!
Wait… This Is Like, Work!
Whether it’s with human relationships, or human-animal ones, there’s always a honeymoon period. Once the excitement fades a bit, new pet owners are in for a real wake up call. Even if you fully anticipate how needy your pet is, it’s hard to prepare for how those needs impact the relationship with your significant other.
Who’s In Charge Here?
Let’s say you and your partner see eye to eye on everything related to your shared pet. You jointly take part in all of the pet’s mental and physical needs, share all the financial responsibilities (and there are a lot of them), and proudly balance all of the other demands in your lives. Still, assign daily chores so there is no confusion about who walks, feeds, or picks up waste on any given day.
All in the Timing
What about the timing of your adoption? Do you have travel plans or major events coming up that would make it difficult to care for your pet? Remember that cats can easily live up to 15 years, and depending on breed, dogs can live an average of 12 years.
If you and your partner live together in a place that one of you owns, your pet has a better chance at a stable life. Pet-friendly rentals are not always easy to come by, and they may not be for the long term. Secure a long term environment for your pet that serves all of their needs.
Where will you live if things don’t work out between you? Is joint custody something you could even fathom? An exit strategy might be helpful before you adopt a pet with someone else.
Bringin’ Home the Bacon
Aside from all of their daily needs, like high-quality food, toys, bedding, gear, and more, pets need routine veterinary care, parasite prevention, vaccinations, dentistry, training, and grooming (among other things).
Do you have a job that takes you away from your pet for long hours at a time? This is where doggie daycares come into play, or you could hire a dog walker or pet sitter to visit.
Adopt a Pet With Someone You Love
We understand the impulse of wanting to adopt a pet with someone you care about. While the experience can bring people closer together, it can also bring to the surface behaviors or character traits that you never saw (or overlooked) before.
If you have further questions about adoption or ownership, Shiloh Mobile Veterinary Hospital is always here for you.