Let’s Go! Pet Travel Tips that Enhance Fun and Safety

Packing is no small feat, but when traveling with a pet the to-do list (or, to-grab list) can seem endless. Pets require extra gear and creature comforts while away from home, but to have the best possible trip it’s what you do before you leave that takes priority.
For sure, pet travel isn’t for everyone but when it’s approached the right way, it can make any journey more memorable.
Where to Start
Before you get too far ahead in the planning process, it’s a good idea to schedule a pet wellness exam. If there are any issues related to their health or behavior you can rule them out beforehand. Plus, we can give you ideas that aim to help your individual pet cope with being away from home.
Virtually Forgettable, There When You Need Them: The Beauty of Pet Microchips

There are loads of little things that we acquire and then quickly forget about. We may not immediately need a box of 250 paperclips or rubber bands, but when we actually need them we’re pretty happy to have them on hand.
Pet microchips are not unlike a collection of oddities that may (or may not) serve a purpose someday. Some chips are never scanned. But that’s good! That means that those pets were never separated from their people. Most importantly, when a pet gets lost or goes missing, it’s usually their microchip that leads to a joyful reunion at home.
Continue…Hot and Dry Conditions: Summer Pet Safety Tips for the Los Angeles Area

Angelenos hoping for a pleasantly-mild summer, prepare for a little heartbreak – we are on course to break record record highs, again.
High temperatures coupled with an extremely arid climate can make southern California a tad uncomfortable for all residents – including pets. With our summer pet safety tips, your best pal can relax in the shade, enjoy a tasty frozen treat, and stay far from trouble, all summer long.
Dawn. Dusk. Repeat.
Until the pavement no longer feels too hot for your own bare feet, it’s best to hold off trotting down the block with your dog. The hours surrounding dawn and dusk are optimal for summer stroll, pet safety–wise. Otherwise, the direct hit from the sun can make sand, concrete, asphalt, gravel, and even dirt pathways quite dangerous for delicate paw pads.