Celebrate Safely: How to Have a Pet-Safe July 4th

Independence Day is a beloved celebration for so many Americans. Sadly, the noise, crowds, and festivities can be scary – or even dangerous – for our pets. In fact, it’s rare to find a pet that doesn’t react to fireworks or noisy, crowded events by hiding, trembling, becoming destructive, or worse, fleeing the situation in an attempt to escape the source of their anxiety and fear.

Whether you are enjoying the holiday with fireworks, a party, or both, your friends at Shiloh Veterinary Hospital are here to help you create a pet-safe July 4th!

First Things First

The day after July 4th is the busiest of the year for animal shelters. With so many pets trying, and succeeding, to escape their homes during a fireworks display, it’s worth being prepared in advance.


On the Lookout for Outdoor Pet Toxins

LA cat without pet toxins

When you look around your pet’s environment and consider potential toxins, the usual suspects probably come to mind: chocolate, Xylitol (a key ingredient in sugar-free foods and some peanut butter), antifreeze, medications, etc. However, in regions like ours – where the winters are mild and beautiful foliage and robust agriculture are plentiful – there’s an increased risk of exposure to outdoor pet toxins.

Reducing or eliminating your pet’s exposure to toxins, as well as being able to recognize and respond to a pet poisoning emergency, are key when it comes to protecting your furry loved one.


Hot and Dry Conditions: Summer Pet Safety Tips for the Los Angeles Area

Angelenos hoping for a pleasantly-mild summer, prepare for a little heartbreak – we are on course to break record record highs, again.

High temperatures coupled with an extremely arid climate can make southern California a tad uncomfortable for all residents – including pets. With our summer pet safety tips, your best pal can relax in the shade, enjoy a tasty frozen treat, and stay far from trouble, all summer long.

Dawn. Dusk. Repeat.

Until the pavement no longer feels too hot for your own bare feet, it’s best to hold off trotting down the block with your dog. The hours surrounding dawn and dusk are optimal for summer stroll, pet safety–wise. Otherwise, the direct hit from the sun can make sand, concrete, asphalt, gravel, and even dirt pathways quite dangerous for delicate paw pads.
