Party Animals: Keeping Pets Safe and Happy During Summer Parties

The summer party season is here again – although here in sunny Southern California it can be argued that it’s always summer party season.
Just like humans, each pet has their own take on festivities. Some relish in the novelty of guests and enjoy all of the pets, pats, and accidentally dropped morsels, while others may be shy, scared, or just not interested in socializing. Whichever way your furry pal leans, keeping pets safe should be your top priority when planning your get together.
Continue…Happy, Hairy, Hoppy Holidays: Creating a Magical Season for Your Pets

The holidays are a wondrous time of togetherness, food, festivities, and so much love. Good memories are made when we gather together and share the bounties of the year. Then we get to look ahead to a wonderful New Year.
At Shiloh Veterinary Hospital we are all about making this time of year one of wonder and safety for our pet companions. That’s why we put together this list of helpful tips you can use this season, and throughout the year.
Continue…Pancreatitis and Holiday Food Safety For Pets

The holidays are upon us, and this fact has many of us jumping for joy. The turkey, stuffing, casseroles and desserts are enough, but add in all the other holiday indulgences and it’s easy to see why so many of us overdo it, and pay for it later.
For our pets, though, such overindulgence in fatty and rich holiday foods can spell disaster. Every holiday season, pets are seen like clockwork in the animal emergency clinic for pancreatitis, a painful and life threatening condition often caused by the consumption of such foods.
Avoid a pet emergency this holiday season by learning about pancreatitis in pets and holiday food safety.
Continue…More Halloween! Common Sense Pet Costumes and Decor

With Halloween right around the corner, time is growing short to plan for the festivities on this popular holiday. We may be planning a Halloween bash, the best neighborhood trick-or-treating route to take, how to set up the perfect scary scene in our house or front yard, or working on the perfect pet costume for our furry companion.
Along with all this preparation, pets safety should be top priority. Keep reading for common sense ideas for pet costumes and decor from Shiloh Veterinary Hospital.
Continue…Avoid A Cauldron Of Hot Water: How To Practice Halloween Pet Safety

Fright Night is almost here, and many of us are preparing our costumes, planning a spooktacular Halloween bash, or looking forward to the neighborhood trick-or-treat jaunt. Many of us like to include our pets on this day, but is that what’s best for them?
Many pets can greet trick-or-treaters all night or wear their costume with relish. But unfortunately, there are also several pet emergencies that are common on and around Halloween. Keep reading to find out how to keep your pet safe this Halloween.
Continue…Celebrate Safely: How to Have a Pet-Safe July 4th

Independence Day is a beloved celebration for so many Americans. Sadly, the noise, crowds, and festivities can be scary – or even dangerous – for our pets. In fact, it’s rare to find a pet that doesn’t react to fireworks or noisy, crowded events by hiding, trembling, becoming destructive, or worse, fleeing the situation in an attempt to escape the source of their anxiety and fear.
Whether you are enjoying the holiday with fireworks, a party, or both, your friends at Shiloh Veterinary Hospital are here to help you create a pet-safe July 4th!
First Things First
The day after July 4th is the busiest of the year for animal shelters. With so many pets trying, and succeeding, to escape their homes during a fireworks display, it’s worth being prepared in advance.