Top 5 Most Hazardous Holiday Decorations for Cats

cats near fallen christmas tree.

The holidays bring coziness, cheer, joy…and potential hazards for any kitties who live in your home. The team at Shiloh Veterinary Hospital can help you prepare—whether you’re a first-time cat parent or a long-timer in need of a refresher. Our tips for how to decorate for Christmas with cats will show you which holiday decorates to steer clear of. 


How to Help a Feral Cat

Group of feral cats sitting by the roadside.

Any animal lover’s heart will ache when they see an animal in need of some help. This can be especially true when you notice an outdoor cat in your community, and wonder if they are being cared for. While some cats are family pets with outdoor access, others might be in need of a little extra help if they don’t belong to anyone. 


It’s All About That Calico Cat

Calico cat sitting down staring into camera.

Colorful, unique, and oozing with “catitude,” calico cats are spectacularly marked with a tri-color blend of black, white, and shades of caramel. Calicos can have long or short coats, and they’re almost always female. They can’t be bred, which makes these fabulous felines extra special to cat lovers everywhere.  

At Shiloh Veterinary Hospital, we love delivering full-service veterinary care to cats of all colors! Whether you’ve got a calico cat of your own, or you’re just curious about these beauties, our team has some fascinating feline factoids to help explain the wonders of calico cats.


The Healthiest Cat Food Is Within Reach

Bengal cat reaches for raw wet food with its paw.

December is a very busy month. In addition to all of the other national holidays, it also rings in National Cat Lovers Month. While true cat lovers don’t need a month to acknowledge and celebrate the value of felines in our lives (we do that all the time!), it is an opportunity to promote the healthiest possible feline lifestyle. To that end, do you know what your cat is eating? Finding just the right cat food may not be the easiest experience, but the best product for your unique cat may be closer than you think.


How to Change an Outdoor Cat into an Indoor Cat

Young woman petting her bengal cat.

Cats are very independent creatures, and sometimes it seems like they don’t need us at all. Cats that spend time outside have a reputation for being able to fend for themselves, but there are a lot of dangers for outdoor cats. Whether you have found a feral cat you want to adopt or you want to transition your feline to a fully indoor cat, Shiloh Veterinary Hospital can help.


The Hemingway Cat: What’s the Story Behind 6-Toed Cats?

6-toed Hemingway cat

If you are a literary buff, you may have heard about Ernest Hemingway’s adoration of cats, so much so that a specific breed has even been named after the author.

Hemingway cats, or more accurately, polydactyl cats, are known for their extra toes. How did this come to be, and what is the real story behind Hemingway cats? 

The team at Shiloh Veterinary Hospital sets out to solve this mystery and explain why these unusual 6-toed cats evolved.


On the Prowl and Out of Sight: What Your Cat Sees Outside at Night

LA Cat Outside at Night

Cats love to roam, especially at night. This is because they are creatures whose instinct is to hunt when it is dark outside, especially at dawn and dusk. Those are the times of day that a cat is most active. If your cat is allowed to be outdoors, you may wonder what they do in the darkness of the night. You are not alone in this question.

The team at Shiloh Veterinary Hospital is here to clear up the mystery of what a cat sees outside at night. Let’s explore!


Avoid a Crisis With Pet Parasite Prevention

Tick removed from black and white dog

No matter where we live, parasites are everywhere. These tiny facts of life can range from gross (discovering worms in your pet’s poop), to frustrating (a flea infestation in your home), to downright deadly (a pet diagnosed with heartworm). 

Because fleas, ticks, heartworm, and intestinal parasites pose a risk to dogs, cats, exotic pets, and people all year long, pet parasite prevention is a critical part of your pet’s health care plan. 
