dog with allergies.

As the leaves change and temperatures drop, it’s not just humans who can feel the effects of seasonal shifts. Pet allergies in the fall are a common issue that can make your furry, feathered, or scaly friends uncomfortable. 

The team at Shiloh Veterinary Hospital is here to help you navigate these autumn ailments with ease, providing veterinary advice for managing fall pet allergies right at your doorstep.

Understanding Pet Allergies in the Fall

Fall allergens can affect pets just as much as they do people. The most common culprits include:

  • Ragweed: A significant allergen that releases pollen during the fall.
  • Mold: Decaying leaves and damp environments can increase mold spores.
  • Dust mites: More time spent indoors can expose pets to dust mites.

Recognizing the symptoms of pet allergies is the first step in ensuring your pet’s comfort and health during the autumn season.

Symptoms of Fall Pet Allergies

Keep an eye out for these signs indicating your pet may be suffering from allergies:

  • Itching and Scratching: Persistent scratching, biting, or licking, especially around the face, ears, and paws.
  • Red, Irritated Skin: Look for redness, rashes, or sores on your pet’s skin.
  • Ear Infections: Recurrent ear infections can be a sign of allergies.
  • Sneezing and Coughing: Respiratory issues can be triggered by airborne allergens.
  • Watery Eyes and Runny Nose: Similar to human allergies, pets can experience watery eyes and nasal discharge.

Veterinary Advice for Managing Fall Pet Allergies

Managing your pet’s allergies involves a combination of preventive measures and treatments. Here are some tips to help:

  • Regular Grooming: Bathing your pet with hypoallergenic shampoos can remove allergens from their coat.
  • Clean Environment: Clean your home regularly to reduce dust and mold. Use air purifiers to help keep indoor air clean.
  • Limit Outdoor Exposure: Limit your pet’s time outside on high pollen days. Wipe their paws and fur when they come back indoors.
  • Diet and Supplements: Consider an anti-inflammatory diet and supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids to boost your pet’s immune system.
  • Medications: Consult with your veterinarian for allergy medications or treatments that can provide relief.

Animal Health During the Autumn Season

Maintaining overall health is important during the fall to prevent and manage allergies. Here’s how you can ensure your pet stays healthy:

  • Regular Check-ups: Schedule a wellness visit with Shiloh Veterinary Hospital to catch and address any health issues early.
  • Hydration: Make sure your pet stays hydrated, as dry air can exacerbate skin and respiratory issues.
  • Balanced Diet: Feed your pet a balanced diet to support their immune system and overall health.

Autumn can be challenging for pets with allergies, but with the proper care and attention, you can ensure your furry, feathered, or scaly friend stays comfortable and healthy. At Shiloh Veterinary Hospital, we’re dedicated to providing personalized care right at your doorstep.

Schedule a Visit

If your pet is showing signs of allergies, don’t hesitate to schedule a wellness visit with us. Contact Shiloh Veterinary Hospital today to book an appointment online or call our office. Let us help you and your pet enjoy a happy and healthy autumn season!